Tips for Working From Home

I recently started working from home full-time and let me be honest - it’s not as easy as people think! The distractions are real so I had to put some rules in place to make sure that I am productive each day. Because Lord knows that it would be all too easy to play with my dogs or reorganize the spice rack when I don’t “feel like” working.

I want to chat about three of the rules that I came up with in order to make sure that working from home is successful for me!

But I also want to remind you that it does take time to adjust to working from home. Don’t feel like you’re a failure if you don’t have your schedule + routines perfected after a month. It’s okay to be flexible and adjust as you need to!

I’m constantly learning and growing and showing myself grace as I figure things out. And you should too!

RULE #1:

Create a workspace.

This has been a total game-changer for me. When I first started working from home I would work in the bedroom, at the living room table, in the kitchen…pretty much anywhere I could plug my laptop in honestly. Well, that made it really difficult to separate work from other parts of life.

Having a designated workspace helps me know when it’s time to work. My brain knows that when I sit at my desk, it is time to focus and be productive.

Not only that, but now I can sit at our kitchen bar and not wonder if I should be working, lol. I work when I’m at my desk and that is that!

I prefer a clean/clutter-free workspace that is bright and functional.

I can do a whole blog post on how I set up my workspace if y’all would like to see that!

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RULE #2:

Build your weekly task list.

This one isn’t as fun as #1 and #3 but it is so important. When you work from home, you typically don’t have someone standing over you reminding you of deadlines. It’s on you to create your schedule and get things done each day. The way that I’ve found works best for me is chunking each day. I’ve dedicated Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays as “creative days” where I write and design new products. Then on Tuesdays and Thursdays I do more admin type stuff like answering emails, making sure my business finances are in check, etc. I have a “task list” that correlates with each day. So when I walk into my office on Mondays I know exactly what I need to finish that day. Having a task list that is different from day to day but similar from week to week has really helped me make the most of each day and get work done.

RULE #3:

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Get dressed for work.

Yes, you might be working in your home, but DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT stay in your PJs all day. That is a recipe for being unproductive. My body knows that when I’m in sweats, it’s time to relax and be cozy. But when I put a cute outfit + a bit of make up on, I go into productive mode. Plus I genuinely like putting together outfits. It’s such a creative outlet!

I still choose outfits that I’ll be comfortable in - like these stretchy jeans from Old Navy…my jam!

And I like to accessorize my outfits, too. I always, ALWAYS have to have on my Apple Watch, because it reminds me to stand if I’ve been sitting for too long, stop and breathe for a minute, etc.

So to recap:

If you create a designated work space, build a task list, and get dressed for work you will be much more productive as a work at home boss babe!

For all of my work at home ladies, what is your go to tip for staying productive day to day?


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