144: Un-complicating Online Business ft. Taylor Quinn of Cake Money Consulting

Calling all online business owners (and aspiring online business owners) -- this one is for you! Have you ever felt like your business feels really big and complicated? 🥴  Like you're trudging through your day-to-day tasks wondering why your once ~fun~ online business feels like such a chore these days?

Our guest today has some contagious energy and she is all about making online business simple and fun AF!

Taylor Quinn is a business mentor, wife, mom, projector, Enneagram 3, Cancer sign, and making money is her love language. Taylor is the CEO of Cake Money Consulting. In 2020, her first full calendar year of business, she made over $400,000 cash while full-time teaching, wife-ing, and growing a tiny human. She believes business gets to be fun, simple AF, and profitable beyond your wildest dreams.

Her primary focus with clients is helping them combine strategy with energetics to make the most while doing the absolute least. Her signature program, Cake Money Method, has over 150 epic humans inside all tapping into + fully owning their individual potent magic to grow a business that supports the life offscreen they desire to live.

Tune into this episode to hear Taylor and I chat about:

⋒  3 tips to simplify an existing business (hint: learn about the "Magic Google Doc" exercise) 

⋒  The 3 most important things for you to do first if you're starting an online business 

⋒  How to make your online business fun AF


⋒ Instagram: @cakemoneyconsulting
⋒ TiKTok: @cakemoneyconsulting


145: 5 Books to Help You Be ~More~ Productive


143: A Morning Routine You’ll ACTUALLY Do ✨