How Affirmations Completely Changed My Life


I’m gonna be real with you…I used to be very jaded and cynical of everything. I was the girl who rolled my eyes when people talked about using affirmations to shift their mindset. But after really digging deep into what affirmations are and putting them into practice, they completely changed my life.

Okay, let’s start off by talking about what an affirmation actually is. An affirmation is a positive statement that can help you challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts.

Affirmations are my go-to tool to use when I feel pinned down by a limiting belief. Now what is a limiting belief? I’m glad you asked.

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A limiting belief is a misunderstanding of the present that shortchanges our future (I got that definition from Michael Hyatt and it just blows my mind - talk about perspective). 

The power of our thoughts and words is REAL. One of my favorite sayings is, “A negative mind will never bring a positive life.” Dang. That hits hard. But it is the full truth. 

If we view the world in a negative light, how are we going to live a good and positive life? Well, the truth is we simply wont. 

Let me break it down for you. 

Our thoughts become our words, our words become our actions, and our actions make up our lives. 

Let me give you a visual 

Affirmations Timeline.png

But here is the good news. We can actually train our minds to think positive thoughts which will ultimately lead us to living the positive lives we so desire. 

And it all circles back to the power of affirmations

Again, I was a negative and cynical person who was NOT living a positive life. If I can do it, you can do it, babe. So let me give you a few practical tips when it comes to practicing affirmations.

So let’s set this straight. An affirmation is NOT lying to yourself about your circumstances and pretending that hard things are not happening in your life. Instead they are positive statements that will help you navigate and overcome the negative thoughts that are coming up about the hard situation.

Okay now here are three steps to practice affirmations

  1. Identify the limiting belief or what is happening in your life that is bothering you. Really try and dig deep into the root of the issue.

  2. Determine where you want to be and who you want to be.

  3. Use scripture and gratitude to remind yourself of truth.

And when those negative thoughts continue to creep in. Have a visual reminder waiting to affirm you in the positive way that you need. 

Speak words of life over yourself, and step into the woman God created you to be. There is so much to be grateful for in this life, even when things are not going our way. 

Along with affirmations, another way I love to practice positivity is through journaling every single day. This allows me to really sit and reflect on the things that are going on in my life and how I choose to view them. 

But girl, I know the struggle of looking at a blank piece of paper and thinking “what the heck do I write down?” It can be intimidating and confusing, but I have a resource that can help you SO much when it comes to this. 

My Hustle Sanely Daily Mindfulness Journal is full of prompts to get you started on your journaling journey.


It even has daily, monthly and quarterly reflections as well so you can check in with yourself and your mental health. 


I have been where you are friend, and I am here to tell you that you will see the other side of this. It just takes some time and practice to train your mind and use affirmations to really live the life you desire. 

If you loved this post and want to dig even DEEPER into the power of affirmations this month’s topic in my BFF Membership is perfect for you! 

You get a 5-page workbook and accompanying video training about words and affirmations and you get a desktop and phone wallpaper with that verse from Proverbs hand lettered by me.

If you’re not a BFF, the bundle will be available in the Hustle Sanely Vault the first week of March and you can snag it for $20! Which, by the way, every single BFF bundle will be available for non-BFFs to purchase the month after they debut for BFFs so keep that in mind if it’s not in your budget to become a member but there are certain topics that really pique your interest.

So if you’re ready to change your life with the power of affirmations, get inside the BFF membership ASAP so I can coach you through topics like this every month!


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