Healing My Adult Acne at Age 31 | My Skin Journey


First of allllll, why didn’t anyone warn me how much of a bear adult acne is??? 😅

When I turned 30 (January 2020), my skin went bonkers and I started really struggling with adult acne. It made no sense to me because I didn’t change anything - my diet, products, sleep schedule, and exercise routine were the same. I honestly just hoped it would clear up on its own. It got progressively worse over the course of the year.

In February 2021, I got my hormonal IUD removed and my skin got even worse - as in, the worst it’s ever been in my life. I’ve been on the hunt for a clean skincare regime that supports my hormone healing journey and I have finally found what works best for me and girlfriend, you better believe I am here to give you ALLLLL the juicy details!

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Here’s my skincare routine:


Wash my neck and face with the Primally Pure Cleansing Oil for Oily + Acne Prone Skin and wipe away with a warm washcloth.
⋒ Use a cotton pad to apply unscented witch hazel all over my neck and face as a toner (I use this one).
⋒ Apply the Primally Pure Clarifying Serum all over my neck and face.
⋒ Use the Gua Sha Stone all over my neck and face.


⋒ Splash my face with water and pat with a clean damp warm washcloth.
⋒ Spritz the Primally Pure Neroli Complexion Mist all over my neck and face.
⋒ Apply Primally Pure Blue Tansy Beauty Cream all over my neck and face.
⋒ Jade roll my neck and face.
⋒ *2-3 times per week, I wash my face with Lush’s Angels on Bare Skin to exfoliate. I do this before spritzing the complexion mist.

Other changes I’ve made:

⋒ Every morning, I take Alani Nu’s Probiotic and Balance supplements.
⋒ Every morning, I add Dose & Co’s collagen creamer to my coffee (I like the dairy-free vanilla one best).
⋒ I’m drinking around a gallon of water every day.
⋒ My diet is made up of ~75% whole, nutrient dense foods (I do consume gluten, dairy, meat, caffeine, and alcohol).

Is my skin perfect? HECK NO. I still have blemishes and some scarring. But it is so much better than it was and I don’t feel like I had to sacrifice my life to find what worked for my skin.

Another tip that really helped my skin heal ⇾ being kind to it. This might seem a little woo but stick with me - when I do my skincare routine in the morning and in the evening, I think positive thoughts about my skin. As I’m applying my serums and oils, I express gratitude for skin. I think things like, “Thank you for protecting me, skin. Thank you for working with me as I figure out what is the best way to take care of you. We’re going to get you glowy and healthy!”


But I used to think things like," “OMG how gross. My skin is so ugly. I hate how my face looks.”

It’s true though - what you focus your energy on magnifies so I decided to focus my energy on being patient and expressing gratitude for my skin rather than talking poorly about it.

Y’all know I’m all about using affirmations so I figured why not try using them to help heal my skin too, ya know?

Anyway, I know this skincare regime won’t work for everyone, but it has really worked for me so I wanted to share it 💕

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