4-Step Mid-Year Reset if You Feel Scattered


Does the middle of the year make you feel a little uneasy? Maybe you're panicking because you have less than 5 months left to reach the goals you set in January and you're allowing yourself to feel completely behind and totally overwhelmed. Well let me tell ya, that is NOT aligned with living a peacefully productive life!

Keep reading this post to learn:
⋒ The 4-step mid-year reset process to combat overwhelm (and for my babes that appreciate alliteration, all 4 steps start with an R 😂👏🏼)

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01: REVISIT your goals:

⋒ What goals did you set at the beginning of the year?

⋒ Why did you set each of those goals? Like be honest - was it because they sounded good or looked good on paper or do they really mean something to you/they’re important to you?

02: REALIZE where you’re currently at:

⋒ What progress have or haven’t you made on these goals? BE HONEST!

⋒ If you have made progress on a goal, do you feel like it’s elevating your life or draining you?

⋒ If you haven’t made progress on a goal, why? Is it because you have it scheduled as a Focus Goal for later this year or because you forgot about it or because you just haven’t felt like making a move toward it?

⋒ Once you determine that, go deeper if it’s applicable. Ask yourself why again to help you get to the root. Why have you not felt like working toward this goal? Why did you forget about it?

03: REVISE your priorities:

This is where you’ve got to get really real with yourself. We’re about to determine what is acting as a roadblock in your life.

⋒ What is taking up your time and energy that doesn’t align with your vision?

⋒ What is stressing you the eff out right now?

⋒ Are there any habits and routines that you are just going through the motions?

⋒ What changes do you need to make to address the things sucking up your time and energy, or stressing you out?

04: REVAMP your schedules and routines:

Y’all know what I’m about to say but I’m gonna say it anyway -- your schedule and routines are tools, not chains. They’re also not set in stone! Habits and routines are meant to bring ease and flow into your life. To point you to your life vision. To help you align your daily actions with the life you want to be living. If there’s a snag somewhere, stop trying to slog through it and change something up, girl!

Ask yourself these questions:

⋒ Are there any commitments that you need to step away from in this season?

⋒ Is there anything that you can delegate to lessen your load?

⋒ Do all of your routines and habits still support your vision or do they need to be tweaked?

⋒ Can you make any shifts in your schedule so that it makes more sense with your energy? So example, if you have more physical energy in the evening, can you workout after work instead of before work?

Y’all, I know this isn’t rocket science or anything - I just asked you some simple straightforward questions but sometimes I think we get stuck in this feeling of overwhelm simply because we have so much floating around in our heads that we don’t directly address. My hope with this reset prompted you to come face to face with your goals, habits, and routines so you can own what’s serving your vision and get rid of what’s draining you.

Sometimes the best combat for overwhelm is simple and straightforward intentionality!

If you enjoyed this post, tune into episode 094 of The Hustle Sanely Podcast to listen into this topic:

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