How to Be More Disciplined


Most of us have goals, right? So why do some of us make them happen while others of us just...don't? I think a big piece is discipline. So how can you be more disciplined when working toward your goals?

Keep reading this post to learn:
⋒ 2 reasons you might not be disciplined in working toward your goals
⋒ The difference between discipline and motivation
⋒ What a grace-filled discipline approach looks like!

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Alright so let’s get into it, friends: how can you be more disciplined when working toward your goals?

First, we have to know that:

Discipline holds us accountable to our vision.
Discipline is how we take ownership of our goals.
Discipline helps us live the life we want to be living.

Discipline is what takes you from thinking about your goal to actually living it out - that’s powerful stuff! And the best part is - you are in charge of being disciplined. How you decide to speak, act, and show up = discipline.

I did a poll on Instagram asking what your biggest productivity hurdles are and almost 65% of the responses had something to do with lack of discipline. That is a BIG number! And it breaks my heart because when you lack discipline you aren’t showing up for goals or promises that you’ve set for yourself.

There are typically 2 main reasons why you’re probably lacking in the discipline department. I’ve coached over 350 women and almost all of them who have struggled with discipline fell into one or both of these categories:

01. You’re overwhelmed.

What does that look like?
There is so much on your plate and your headspace is spread too thin so you don’t know where to start so you just don’t start at all. You’re incredibly bogged down by how much you have going on - you’re trying to accomplish way too much at once.

What is the solution?
Removing clutter and creating a plan.

What does a plan look like? Deciding when you’re going to focus on what and what steps you’re going to take when you’re focusing on each thing.

A lot of people have a hard time ranking their goals by priority because we tend to want to do everything right now. Whether it’s because we’re stoked about it all or because we don’t want to miss an opportunity - we feel like we have to cram all of our goals into these super unrealistic time frames. Here’s the deal - goal work is a journey. You’ve got your whole life to do it so let’s slow down and steward each goal well, giving it the time and attention that it deserves and requires. Don’t think of this as sacrificing your goals but instead you’re stacking them, moving from one to the next, and building off of each one. When you accomplish a goal, you also gain experience and wisdom that you get to take with you to the next goal.

Okay so that’s the first reason why you may be lacking discipline - you’re trying to do way too much at once and you’re overwhelmed. The second reason is:

02. You don’t know your why.

What does this look like?
You’re going through the motions most days without feeling rooted in purpose. You don’t have a strong connection to why you’re doing what you’re doing so it’s easier for you to not show up fully.

What is the solution?
Get clear on your vision and nail down what’s important to you and why it’s important to you.

I use something called the Hustle Sanely S.W.I.T.C.H. Goal Mapping Method to help me write goals that are meaningful for areas of my life I’m wanting to change/elevate.

I teach on S.W.I.T.C.H. goals in The Hustle Sanely Program and in the Dream It. Do It. Workshop but I’ll quickly tell you what each letter stands for:

Why attached
Checkpoints set
Habits and routines that align with the goal

I’ll plan to do a whole podcast episode dedicated to this S.W.I.T.C.H. Goal Mapping method later this summer but here are some examples of getting clear on your why or knowing why you’re doing something:

Why do you want to start a blog?
Maybe it’s because you had a really tough time with your mental health, postpartum, and you got a lot of encouragement reading others’ stories online so you want to share your own in hopes of helping other new moms navigate this season of their life.

Why do you want to lose 10 pounds?
Maybe it’s because you’re tired of going outside to play with your toddler niece and feeling winded after 2 minutes. You desire to be able to run and play with her endlessly while setting a healthy example for her of what it means to take care of your body from the inside out.

Why do you want to go back to college?
Maybe you had a tough childhood and spent a lot of time with social workers. You met one who impacted you deeply and changed the trajectory of your life by helping you get into a program that equipped you to finish high school. You desire to make an impact on kids who are going through tough childhoods to help them overcome adversity too.

When we have our why front and center, we’re able to plant our feet there. On the days when things are hard or boring, you remind yourself why you’re working toward whatever it is. Your why should ignite a passionate fire in your heart. Knowing why you’re working toward something is the best motivation.

Which speaking of, let’s talk about motivation versus discipline - because they are not the same.

Motivation: Fleeting; it comes and goes and is greatly influenced by outside factors/circumstances: your mood, what’s available (resources), how other people are acting/speaking, etc.

Think: ocean’s tide

Discipline: Steadfast; Part of your character; it’s internally rooted because you know why you’re showing up for your goals

Think: tree’s roots

So, quick little recap - you know the 2 major reasons you’re lacking in discipline - you’re overwhelmed or you don’t know your why. Once you remedy those issues, then you can start taking what I like to call a grace-based discipline approach.

A grace-filled discipline approach looks like:

01. Checking in with yourself every day.
By asking yourself questions like: How do I feel today? What do I need to feel supported today? How can I show up well for my goals while taking care of myself today?

And then showing up every day in a way that honors your mental and physical health - ditching the balls to the wall/all or nothing mentality and embracing a slower, more peaceful approach to working toward your goals.

02. Celebrating small wins along the way.
Focusing on the person you’re becoming more than the goal that you're pursuing. 

03. Being flexible when things don’t go according to plan.
Being willing to pause, reflect, and shift when necessary.

04. Trusting that all things work together for your good when you are operating in alignment with love.

Y’all have been experiencing Sassy Jess more and more on Instagram stories and I think it’s time that she hangs out here on the blog some, too. I shared this little snippet with the Hustle Sanely BFFs in our live coaching session last week and I want to leave it here for you too, podcast family:

No one is going to do the work for you.
The inner heart work or the physical goal work.

You have to take ownership of your life and show up. Period.

We can all make excuses.
And we can also all step up to the plate of our lives.

Life is hard no matter what.
But remember that we reap what we sow (check out Galatians 6:9 for some encouragement).

Going to work a 9-5 that you’re miserable at Monday-Friday is hard and starting your dream business is hard. Choose your hard.

Staying up and watching Netflix til 1 AM then waking up for work at 6 AM is hard and going to bed at 10 AM and waking up at 5 AM to workout before work is hard. Choose your hard.

Define your goals and why they matter to you.
Clear the clutter. 
Commit to doing what you can with what you’ve got every single day.

Can I be honest with you? If this post resonated with you at all, then you NEED to get your booty inside the Hustle Sanely BFF Membership, girl!

Every month, we choose a Hustle Sanely-esque topic and I create a workbook for you and take you through a coaching session so you can learn how to live the Hustle Sanely lifestyle no matter what season you’re in!

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If you enjoyed this post, tune into episode 076 of The Hustle Sanely Podcast to listen into this topic:


5 Ways to Lessen Overwhelm in Your Life


7 Tips to Handle Busy Seasons