Affirmations e-Book

I am so thrilled that you are wanting to use affirmations in your life. I used to think that affirmations were fluffy and irrelevant. It wasn’t until I did some reading, praying, and good old trial and error that I learned the power of consistently speaking truth over my life. Because that’s all that affirmations are - speaking truth over yourself and your circumstances. Using affirmations has changed my life.

And I can’t not share that with you.

An affirmation is simply a positive statement that can help you challenge and overcome limiting thoughts, rooted in doubt and fear that are holding you back from showing up fully for your life.

Here’s the deal:

Our thoughts become our words.
Our words become our actions.
Our actions make up our lives.

We have to take ownership of these things. It is our responsibility to speak life over ourselves. What we focus on grows. Think of speaking affirmations over your life like watering a garden to help it thrive!

In this e-book, you’ll learn what affirmations are, how to use them, and get over 70 affirmations — ones that I use in my personal life AND some that I wrote just for the Hustle Sanely Squad 💕

Positive Affirmations E-Book
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Positive Affirmations E-Book
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