127: Budgeting Routines for Beginners ft. Budget Coach Cathy

The thought of getting started with a budget can be overwhelming BUT it doesn't have to be. If you're looking for some Hustle Sanely-ish budgeting tips, stop what you're doing, grab a notebook, and hit play!

Cathy is a full-time chiropractic doctor AND a full-time budget coach that has a passion for all things budget planning and organization. From this passion, she created a digital budget planner that is a bestseller on Etsy. Her ultimate goal is to help full-time working women stop worrying about their account balance and build and master a budget using a FUN, budgeting system that has proven to work over and over again.

Tune in to this episode to learn beginner-friendly daily, weekly, and monthly budget routines!


⋒ Cathy’s Instagram: @budgetdoctor
Cathy's Website
Digital budget planner
Use the code HUSTLESANELY for a discount


128: How to Rest (even if you're bad at resting now)


126: How to Create a Weekly Schedule (& my ~real~ weekly schedule)